Our Story

Hello! I'm Louise. 

When the pandemic hit, I worried so much about the quality of the education my child was receiving remotely. My daughter’s teachers were trying so hard, using the tools that they had, but I knew something was missing. I took matters into my own hands and began to develop interactive learning activities that were fun and supported the learning needs of my preschooler.

Juggling full-time work, while trying to support the learning needs of your child is not easy - I know. That’s why I started Eason Learning Academy - to show the everyday working parent that if you have 20 minutes in your day, you have enough time to engage your little one with learning activities that are impactful and fun.
 Join us as we share tips and resources that help to make learning a little more fun.

I hold a bachelor’s degree in English and a master's degree in Urban Education. In addition to Eason Learning Academy, I am a full-time teacher in Charlotte, NC. I am also the wife of a supportive husband and the mother of four children who are the driving force behind all I do in life.

Thanks for your support.

Louise Eason
Email: easonlearningacademy@gmail.com